We Support the University of Sydney S.L.I.C.E programme, for the education of medical students.
Dr. Andrew has these medical students in the clinic for 16 weeks of the year, educating them in neuromusculoskeletal conditions and Chiropractic in general.
The Australian Spinal Research Foundation funds research into the debilitating conditions of spinal pain, conditions created be spinal problems and headaches.
We are fee paying members of the ASRF, and we engage in fund raising events for them.
We have supported Buy a Bale since 2018, occasionally we donate $5 from each visit for a day, and we have a donation box in our reception room.
We are working with Penny Appeal to better the lives of the less fortunate in our local community and the greater world.
We support the Lugarno Lions club, especially with their annual fair. They do wonderful charitable works for our community.