Good posture isn’t only something that enhances your image. It also impacts the level of stress placed on joints, muscles and ligaments when you stand, sit, lay, or walk. When your body’s natural shape has shifted, South Riverwood Chiropractic is the ultimate way to reverse the damage.  Most commonly, our posture is worsening, due to increasing time on computers and devices.

What makes a good posture

Good posture isn’t defined solely by a ‘straight back’. It is equally dependent on the way that your body naturally positions itself when sitting, standing, walking, or completing daily activities. Essentially, the body learns motor patterns, which is why bad posture becomes an ongoing problem. There are many components that postural correction specialists will consider, including but not limited to;

  • Range of joint motion

  • Muscle strength

  • Muscle endurance

  • Nerve integrity

  • Ligament support

  • Postural habits

Posture correction

Posture correction sets out to achieve many different things. It offers pain relief, restores motion and function, optimises nerve flow, prevents further degeneration, and supports realignment. Posture correction can include an array of elements, and some of the most significant include;

Biomechanical analysis

The Chiropractor can analyse your posture, walking stance, and other biomechanical features to identify the type and severity of the problems before deciding on the appropriate course of action.


Deep tissue massage can have a telling impact on reducing pain while also supporting the idea of regaining a full sense of motion. Loosening the muscles and tissues can significantly enhance the results of postural rehabilitation.


A chiropractor can use a combination of exercises and stretches that strengthen the muscles and gradually realign the spine and affected body parts. They can be short-term or ongoing stretches.

Scapular treatments

In addition to the spine, your scapular and shoulder areas may require added attention to prevent degeneration or additional problems. 

When is postural correction needed?

Everyone is capable of displaying poor posture from time to time, especially when carrying a minor injury that makes sitting or standing with perfect posture feel uncomfortable. However, if you’ve noticed slouching, pains in your back or neck, or reduced movement capabilities in the shoulders, you may need to look at professional postural correction.

If you have any reason to question your posture, it’s vital to seek help ASAP. The sooner you act, the less damage there will be to reverse. In turn, this can make recovery times far shorter.

The process starts with a full analysis and diagnosis to ascertain what’s required to bring your posture back to its former health. X-rays may be suggested, so as to measure up the the degree of postural distortion. Take the first steps by calling our postural correction Sydney experts today.