Temporary shoulder pain can be caused by over-lifting, direct insult, neck injury, repetitive strain, or suffering a fall. These injuries can respond well to chiropractic care.
However, chronic or long-term shoulder and arm pains – as well as more severe sporting injuries – may be linked to a series of problems including:
Frozen shoulder
Dislocated shoulder
Trapped nerves
Shoulder bursae
Rotator cuff injury
Neck injury
Gleno-humeral restriction
Whether from direct trauma or a degenerative issue, the fact that arm and shoulder pains can be connected to the cervical and thoracic spine should not be overlooked.
What causes the shoulder and/or arm pain?
Shoulder pain could be attributed to many factors including; inflammation, arthritis, damaged muscles or tendons, cartilage damage, osteoarthritis, nerve root impingement, or polymyalgia rheumatica. The neck will often cause shoulder pain and dysfunction too. Also, through a process call Somato-somatic reflexes, Shoulder problems can cause neck problems, which becomes a vicious cycle with each worsening the other. With so many potential sources, the best treatment for your condition may not be the same as a relative that has suffered arm or shoulder pain symptoms. Getting a clear diagnosis via a chiropractic assessment is essential.
Treating shoulder and/or arm pains?
If the pain is severe or coupled with pains in other parts of the body, you should seek immediate help. When the pain is more in line with a chronic condition or a sporting injury, anything that extends beyond two weeks is probably more than a temporary issue. In this instance, a chiropractic appointment is vital.
Potential treatments do vary depending on the source and severity of pain, and may include;
Sports or deep tissue massages to reduce the immediate pain.
Postural exercises to provide greater stability and a better support system for the shoulder or arm.
Other exercises directed to rebuild the strength of the shoulder or arm.
Wearing supportive braces to support natural recovery and stop over-stretching that could cause further pain and setbacks.
Chiropractic adjustments to relieve pain and allow for the gradual increase in motion and flexibility.
All of these treatments are aimed to prevent the need for surgery or other treatments that have potentially negative consequences.
Why chiropractic treatment?
As well as avoiding surgery, chiropractic treatment can aid the body’s natural posture. The procedures also lend to the development of coping mechanisms to reduce pain without the need for medication, which is far better for immediate and ongoing issues. Whether it’s a short-term pain or a long-term issue, the Chiropractic approach is the best.
The road to recovery begins with a full analysis and diagnosis of the problems you face. Give our chiropractors a call to get the process started.